Dog Wash

One of the great parts about Siberian Huskies is that they are almost cat-like in keeping themselves clean.  They do not have that dog smell and do a good job of cleaning themselves up when they get dirty (and they do love getting dirty).  But every now and then, they need a little help.

While at a pet adoption fair a few weeks ago, a company was demonstrating a product called RapidBath.  Essentially, it is an attachment to your hose, shower, whatever, that also has shampoo in it.  So, like a car wash, you can switch from rinse to wash and back to rinse from the gadget itself.  We found one and decided to try it out.

Other than Kiska, who is decidedly anti-bath, the whole process went fairly quickly.  Five dogs in and out of baths in about 30 minutes yesterday afternoon.  And they all looked much better.

Of course, we woke up this morning to thunderstorms which means mud in the dog lot. Oh well.  Clean for a few hours.

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