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When I got the call that the Herd had been pictured in the local paper, I was a little stunned to discover it was not in the arrest section or with Wanted above the picture. Nope. My local paper, The Mountaineer, ran an article about the local animal rescue’s fundraiser. Sarge’s Animal Rescue Fund has an Annual Downtown Dog Walk – this year on Saturday, August 9. The Herd apparently captured the eye of a photographer.
That would be Kiska back in the far left and Qannik beside her. Kodiak is back on the far right. Rusty is on the left in the front and, of course, Queen Natasha prominently on the front right. Never camera shy, is she?
If you are in the area on August 9, please come for the fundraiser. Sarge’s does a great job and deserves the support. The Herd will certainly be there. Get your application by clicking here.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Hi Pack!
Wow… I love your photos and of course you would capture the attention. Impressive. I love the synchronized tongue waggin too. I’ll pull a couple photos from this walk for the bandana bonanza. YOu all are fabulous! Who’s the leader?