Queen Natasha demands breakfast

All I ask for in the morning is a few minutes to wake up. Get up, toss the dogs outside, and wait until the howling and singing becomes too loud to ignore before I go feed them breakfast. But this upsets her highness, Queen Natasha the Evil.  From the middle window, she can stare up the steps into the kitchen area.  Look at all of the concentration she is using to send the Siberian Mind Meld Message – “I am starving.  Feed me now.  I am starving.  Feed me now.”

Siberian Mind Meld

Sadly, it worked.


  1. Holly on May 11, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Wow, that’s pretty good!!! And, as long as it worked, hey, keep it up girl!! We should ALL be fed when WE want, NOT when the humans are ready!


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