Black Bear attack

Ok, the title is more exciting then the event.

It is spring and the Black bears are out and about. Earlier this week, a black bear was spotted wandering through the middle of main street.

I am driving back toward the house after having dinner in town. Moving up the mountain on a curvy road, you are always prepared for anything – deer, dogs, coyote, bobcat – I have seen them all. But the black bear loping across the road caught me off guard. I stepped on the brakes (if you are doing 20 up the hill, you are speeding) and swerved left to avoid him. And he ran into me. BAM. Pretty solid into the side of the jeep.

Fortunately, he bounced off and kept running into the woods. I am sure he is ok.

And, fortunately, I did not have any of the Herd in the car. They would have freaked.

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July 12, 2024

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