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Lazy Afternoon
We Siberian Huskies are a working breed, so we maintain a busy schedule. Yesterday, for example, we had a morning walk (followed by breakfast) and an afternoon walk (followed by dinner). We had a mid-day play session in the backyard and then a lazy afternoon in Hu-Dad’s study. You can see in the photo how hard we work. Don’t worry—we’re professionals.
Read Today's Herd StoryNeighborhood Watch
Believe it or not, Hu-Dad says our frequent wrestling matches break his concentration when he is working on his busyness. He asks we find something quieter to do so he can earn some kibble. Roscoe accomplishes this by being the head of the neighborhood watch. The fact that the magic cold air vent is in the same spot is a bonus.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Whispered Plans
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey and his bestest buddy Roscoe P. are the most likely to be at the center of any mischief in the house, so the Hu-Dad attempts to monitor their plotting. In this case, though, they kept their woos low so they wouldn’t be overheard. So, Dear Reader, help the Hu-Dad out with this week’s caption this photo. What were the whispered plans between our devilish duo?
Read Today's Herd StoryCelebrating Sunshine
The remnants of Tropical Storm Fred rode up the spine of the mountains dropping ridiculous amounts of rain. Unlike many of the people in our area, we are fine suffering only a lengthy internet outage (Hu-Dad almost went into withdrawal). We’re celebrating sunshine and thinking of those who lost everything and, particularly, those still missing in the floods.
Read Today's Herd StoryAre You Sleeping?
Poor Typhoon works so hard to show his gruff side, but he just doesn’t get the respect he thinks he deserves. Frankie Suave ignores the grumbles because he’s the boss. Landon ignores it because he lives in his own special bouncy world. And bestest buddy Roscoe P. thinks nothing of interrupting naps. This photo shows the classic moment, repeated throughout the day, when Roscoe steps up and asks, “Are you sleeping?”
Read Today's Herd StorySee No Evil
Over the years, we’ve had many dogs step into the role of leader—Mama Bear Nikita, Queen Natasha the Evil, Miss Cheoah the Cheesewhiz. Each has taken a different approach, but all made sure the youngsters stayed in line. And, we will note, all have been female. Until now. Frankie Suave is the first male in charge. He also takes a different view of things. He uses the see no evil approach. Not particularly helpful in controlling the youngsters, Hu-Dad would note, but consistent with his suave approach to life.
Read Today's Herd StoryTempting Royal Fate
In the this-is-hard-to-believe department, His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey is approaching his tenth birthday (and ninth gotcha day at Chez Herd) this winter. The dog who used to have an eight-foot vertical leap and could out twist and turn rabbits in an open field is a wee bit slower on the paw now. His bestest buddy Roscoe P. knows this too. Roscoe’s favorite game is a drive-by taunting that entices a jaw-snapping pursuit. Little siblings everywhere appreciate the ultimate tempting royal fate.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Standoff
Our daily walks follow the greenway that threads along the side of a creek through our neighborhood. We are accustomed to seeing a good bit of wildlife including dozens and dozens of rabbits. When they see us, they scamper far off the trail to avoid any conflict. Except this guy. He rested on the side of the trail, chewed a blade of grass, and stared at us. We were at a standoff. Go ahead, Dear Reader, who said what next? We love your creativity in our weekly Caption This! (P.S. – Left to right – Landon, Frankie, Typhoon, Roscoe.)
Read Today's Herd StoryNot A Footrest
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has a few “quirks.” If you attempt to brush him, he screams. If you are one minute late responding to his demands, he pouts. If meals are not to his satisfaction, he fasts. And if you touch him, he grumbles. This last one is a wee bit of a problem since Typhoon’s favorite napping spot is under Hu-Dad’s desk. The Little Curmudgeon’s glare is a reminder that he is not a footrest.
Read Today's Herd StoryYou’re Kidding
Not a single cloud floated in the sky. A soft breeze blew through the trees.The morning temperatures were comfortably cool. Hu-Dad called out. He said he had an approaching deadline this week and needed to get back to work. We should come on inside and settle down. Landon’s look spoke for the rest of The Herd, a simple, “You’re kidding, right?”
Read Today's Herd StoryHappy Face
The weekend is a good time for the simple pleasures. A pleasant day. A summer drizzle. Walks on a trail. Family time. And, most of all, a happy face. Mr. Roscoe P. is glad to share his smile with you. Pass it on to a friend, family member, or a perfect stranger.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Calm Before The Boom
The sun was setting. The Hu-Dad was relaxed in a chair with a beverage in hand. We were all being quiet and well-behaved. Even Landon. Not that anyone expected the peace to last. We consider it the calm before the boom—or, in our case, before the Boom Boom Booms.
Read Today's Herd Story