News / Blog Posts
Boring Busyness
With a book launch just over a week away, Hu-Dad is slaving away on his computer. Hu-Dad looked under his desk and saw Frankie Suave had taken advantage of the situation and made himself quite comfortable. Don’t worry, though, because the sun has reappeared and we convinced the Hu-Dad to go outside for a nice, long walk yesterday afternoon. Even Frankie woke up for that.
Read Today's Herd StorySunshine Smile
The whole region has had a foot of rain this week, so we are soggy and tired of gloomy skies. Fortunately, our weather breaks today and sunshine is forecasted to return. The pile of muddy towels can be laundered, which brings smiles to our Hu-Dad. And the opportunity for long sessions of outdoor games brings canine smiles. Yes, it’s sunshine smiles all around here at Chez Herd today. Happy Saturday! P.S. – Roscoe would like to apologize for the Malamute ears, but he’s too happy to keep them in Siberian formation.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Enough Soggy Weather
We woke yesterday morning to the sound of rain drumming on the roof. We know many of you are begging for it, but we’ve had enough soggy weather for a while. When the dogs went outside. they each paused at the edge of the patio with the same look of disgust Roscoe has. But it’s Friday and time to have some fun, so it’s your turn to caption this photo. What did Roscoe say?
Read Today's Herd StoryMy Name Is Mud
The rain started Sunday. The current prediction is it will end some time on Friday. Maybe. Our yard has turned into a soggy swamp. Towels have been laid down by the back door for paw cleaning after every excursion. Some pup might have, well, boom boomed right over the towels. Wasn’t hard to track him down since his path was quite clear. Landon doesn’t really want to apologize, but does proudly claim, “My name is mud.”
Read Today's Herd StoryThat’s Not A Hole
When a certain bouncy dog appeared at the door with muddy paws and a matching nose, Hu-Dad asked what he’d been doing. Boom Boom replied, “Nothing.” Shockingly, Hu-Dad did not accept that answer and walked through the yard and found freshly tilled soil. He asked our furry suspect about the excavation. Landon inspected it quite closely and declared, “That’s not a hole.” Hu-Dad shook his head and asked if Landon had anything else to say for himself. The Boomster grinned and replied…(Follow the link to get his answer)
Read Today's Herd StoryRoad Trip Herd Style
Hu-Dad took a break from all of the craziness leading into the launch of his next novel and took us on a road trip to Clinton Tennessee. We found a shady parking space right on Main Street and entertained people as they strolled and shopped. Yes, we are a working breed and, in this case, our job was looking cute. We think we did an outstanding job. That’s Frankie Suave in his crate (his preferred method of travel, Landon (Boom Boom) with the prime back row seat, and Roscoe at the passenger window. Don’t worry, His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey was in the car, but is hidden behind Frankie.
Read Today's Herd StorySpooky Time Of Year
October signals the beginning of a spooky time of year. The days are shorter, so our morning walks are dark and foggy. A chill fills the air, though the afternoons are still warm. The leaves on the trees hint of the brilliant yellows and reds to come. Strange creatures appear like this collection near the entrance to our greenway. Roscoe admires our smiling new neighbors, but couldn’t get them to share an ear scratch or two. Better luck next walk.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: A Rare Moment
A rare moment happened this week. Hu-Dad called Typhoon to come inside. The Little Prince did. We Siberian Huskies aren’t known for obeying humans and His Highness makes the rest of us look well-behaved, so what was Typhoon’s excuse for this sudden flash of good behavior? For caption this Friday, give us his best explanation.
Read Today's Herd StorySquirrel Watching Double Sentry
The oldest and youngest members of The Herd share a passion for squirrel watching. Frankie Suave on the left and Roscoe P. on the right take full advantage of the windows in Hu-Dad’s study to keep track of all of the neighborhood happenings, but squirrels are the top of the list.
Read Today's Herd StoryCollision Avoidance System
Our games are fast and furious (or, at least, fast and furriest), so sometimes our chase games can involve very close calls. In this case, the Little Prince misjudged his speed and Roscoe P. didn’t calculate his braking needs. Don’t worry, though, because the Siberian Husky Collision Avoidance System was activated. Was it in time? The next photo explains it all, so click the link and visit today’s blog post for the answer.
Read Today's Herd StoryJust Try To Work
Frankie Suave suggested to Hu-Dad that ear scratches were more important than whatever busyness was happening on that computer. When Hu-Dad replied he needed a few minutes, Frankie pulled out the big guns — the big, brown eyes of guilt. Can you resist? Just try to work.
Read Today's Herd StoryOver Your Head
Hu-Dad had the perfect plan—sit on the patio and snap a photo at ground level of Landon racing to go inside the house. A slight problem developed. Landon is known as Boom Boom for his incredible bouncy ways and he boomed just as the camera snapped. See how things—and canines—can go over your head at Chez Herd?
Read Today's Herd Story