News / Blog Posts

The Little Prince’s Stalker

April 19, 2022 |

Being a celebrity is tough, especially if you are royalty. The humans want photographs of His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey for his adoring fans. Passersby on our walks want paw-to-graphs. But things have gone too far. Yesterday, no matter what room the Little Curmudgeon went into, the Little Prince’s stalker followed him. Hu-Dad muttered something about following the path of the dropping fur.

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With Friends Like This

April 17, 2022 |

Way back in 2003, Hu-Dad called Nikita to come inside the house. Nikita trotted from a corner of the yard with an attachment. No, not a tick. Eight-week-old Natasha was clamped onto Nikita’s neck like a pendant, her little feet not even touching the ground as she swayed to and fro. For the next three years, Nikita mothered and molded her protégé into the Queen Natasha the Evil who ruled The Herd for a decade. Hu-Dad was reminded of that moment when Typhoon approached with Roscoe chewing on his ear. He seems to think, “With friends like this…” Don’t worry, though, they are still the bestest buddies ever.

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Grassy Bed

April 16, 2022 |

We had a beautiful Friday, so lots of outside time. As the sun dropped over the horizon, the temperatures began to fall. Our thoughts turned to sleep time, but Landon couldn’t wait and fell asleep on a grassy bed. Forgive his sleepy look, but Hu-Dad woke him up taking photos.

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How Many Tries Did It Take?

April 15, 2022 |

For a dog nicknamed Boom Boom, Landon sure is sitting pretty in this photo. How many tries did it take? Hu-Dad says just one—unless you count the bouncing, racing, twirling, digging, wrestling, not-listening, and general-mayhem-causing outtakes. There might have been eleventy-seven bazillion of those.

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The Pounce

April 14, 2022 |

One of the challenges of our favorite game—“tackle-wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it”—is knowing when the game starts and when it ends. Last night, the game appeared to be over and Typhoon sat in the grass appearing to be disinterested. Roscoe turned his back and Typhoon saw his opportunity. Today’s photo is the moment the launch started and a split second before the pounce. Don’t worry, Roscoe thought it was great fun and a rousing second round of “tackle-wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it” ensued.

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Don’t Brush Me

April 12, 2022 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has many demands for his humans. Cuddles are rare and strictly on his terms. Meals must meet exacting specifications or they will be rejected. Uninvited touching is forbidden. And, most importantly of all, a brush is never, never, never to touch the royal floof. The penalty for violations is the Siberian Death Scream, a specialized, high-pitch shriek guaranteed to elicit concern from neighbors. Thus, the shaggy look comes from the Little Curmudgeon’s “Don’t Brush Me” edict.

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Deer Sentries

April 10, 2022 |

We went out to our yard yesterday morning for our dawn activities to discover two surprises waiting for us—a fresh dusting of snow and a herd of deer. The light snow was only moderately interesting, but the visiting creatures alerted our fearless pair of deer sentries. And why aren’t we at the fence sounding the alarm? Absolutely nothing to do with their size or number. Nope, the middle of the yard seemed to be a better place to monitor them. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.

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Can’t Hear What You Can’t See

April 9, 2022 |

Hypothetical situation. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and the yard feels great. The humans call and say it’s time to come inside. You are a Siberian Husky. What do you do? Landon’s answer is to engage Siberian Selective Deafness, a creative defense that means you can’t hear what you can’t see.

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Crossed Paws

April 8, 2022 |

As soon as Hu-Dad settles into his chair to start work each morning, we settle into our critical role as co-workers. Sure, it might look like we’re just napping, but we are providing support and supervision throughout the day. Notice how Frankie’s crossed paws inspired the Hu-Dad to pick up the camera. We’re working breeds. Don’t try this at home.

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Face Of Regret

April 7, 2022 |

Hu-Dad was slicing some squash for dinner Tuesday night. Roscoe, a quite polite canine in the kitchen, asked if he could try a piece. Hu-Dad agreed. Based on the face of regret, we can conclude that Roscoe is not a fan of squash.

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The Royal Look Of Denial

April 5, 2022 |

As shocking as this might be, Hu-Dad suspected His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey might have been causing some mischief. Something about years and years of history. So how did the Little Wonder respond to the accusations? With a Royal Look of Denial, of course.

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A Handsome Boom Boom

April 3, 2022 |

Landon was up to his usual tricks, bouncing and boom booming around the yard while Typhoon and Roscoe wrestled and Frankie found a quiet corner to snooze. Then, when you least expect it, the Boomster came to a halt, struck a handsome pose, and did his regal thing. Don’t worry, he was back to being his normal goofy self two seconds after this photo.

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