News / Blog Posts

time to go inside

Overnight Security Measures

May 21, 2015 |

As Chief of Security, Kiska is responsible for yard patrols and establishing the appropriate alert level for potential intruders. At night, however, Hu-dad makes her and everyone else sleep inside for safety reasons, so Kiska has to set out the overnight security measures to maintain control until dawn. So if she has to go inside,…

Read Today's Herd Story

Blue Eyes

May 20, 2015 |

Many people assume that all Siberian Huskies have blue eyes, but that is simply not true. We have a range of eye colors and combinations within the Herd and only one dog with a pair of blue eyes – Qannik. Qannik is also proving how stubborn Siberian Huskies can be when a human wants something…

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Professional working breed

Active Lifestyle

May 19, 2015 |

As Siberian Huskies, we are a high-energy, hard-driving working breed with a very active lifestyle. We know, watching such constant activity can be exhausting, but it is simply who we are. Even trying to capture a photograph is quite the challenge because of the incredible speed at which we travel. Remember. We are professionals. Don’t…

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Hear me roar

Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

May 18, 2015 |

Typhoon always has the biggest of plans, but all of us can be guilty of biting off more than you can chew. His plan this time was simple. Pounce on his sister and wrestle her to the ground. What could possibly go wrong? Frankie seemed to enjoy the show, but did Typhoon learn his lesson?

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cheoah invading frankie's crate

A Different Perspective

May 17, 2015 |

You can’t go through life only looking at the world in one way. A different perspective can really help you fully understand the whole picture. For example, Cheoah gets bored with her crate, so crosses over to Frankie’s crate and hangs out there. Amazing how different the view can be from someone else’s room. Frankie is…

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got your back.


May 16, 2015 |

With a week of posts about all of the security duties around Chez Herd, we thought we should take at least one post and talk about the supervising that happens. As you would expect, Queen Natasha the Evil is quite the master at supervisory skills. But she is not alone in her supervising skills. Even…

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no brushes

Typhoon Friday

May 15, 2015 |

We declare today Typhoon Friday. Why? As Typhoon would say, why not? Typhoon is our constant comic relief – nothing is too serious for him. Well, that’s not totally true. A brush is considered a major threat. Don’t even attempt it. But, mostly, Typhoon serves as our resident instigator, always trying to stir up a…

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walk around the neighborhood

Walk Security

May 14, 2015 |

For the previous couple of days, we have talked about security around Chez Herd. But what about when we leave the house and go for our evening walk. Do we have walk security? Just when things were quiet, we were invaded with one of the most dreaded beasts possible.

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Security Status is High

May 13, 2015 |

Nothing moves within eye, ear, or nose range of Chez Herd without being monitored carefully. Periodically, though, something may be spotted, heard, and smelled and, then, security status is high. Notice that Qannik is in the mix. You know the security situation is strong when the Q-Tip is called into action. While Big Brother Frankie…

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security patrol

Feeling Secure

May 12, 2015 |

Isn’t it great when you are feeling secure and not worried about your surroundings? With Kiska always on the alert (and Queen Natasha the Evil supervising), other members of The Herd can relax knowing that things are ok. Of course, maybe some members of The Herd should show at least a little concern.

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some trouble?


May 11, 2015 |

Hu-dad was sitting on the deck enjoying the cool evening, so Cheoah wandered over and sat in his lap. That way, Hu-dad could enjoy the cool evening and the pleasure of massaging a Siberian Husky. But, of course, when things are nice and peaceful, an instigator always appears to stir up trouble.

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enjoying trail time

Hiking With The Herd – Big Ridge to Mills River Valley

May 10, 2015 |

Yesterday was Saturday, so of course we are out on the hiking trails. We thought we would continue the Mountains to Sea Trail from where we left off last week – Big Ridge Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Of course, the important part of any hiking trip is identifying the proper trail. The Mountains to…

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