News / Blog Posts

Royal Errands

January 24, 2023 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey is much too important to be bothered by little household rules like obeying the Hu-Dad. He simply has too many critical tasks to accomplish every day to deal with such minor details.

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Art Appreciation

January 22, 2023 |

Frankie Suave is a sophisticated dog. Though he must put up with the antics of his crass younger brothers, he always takes a few moments to enjoy special things in life—like a little sculpture.

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Mesmerizing Sunset

January 21, 2023 |

Yesterday, we shared a photo of Frankie and Landon distracted by scurrying squirrels. Instead of repeating that message today, we present this photo and ask if Typhoon is watching the sun sinking in the sky. Or, maybe, yes, it’s squirrels again. We prefer the magical answer.

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Watching Scurrying Visitors

January 20, 2023 |

We had a beautiful, sunny Thursday afternoon—perfect for some canine yard time. Of course, it was also a great day for the squirrels to race through the trees as they busied themselves with their squirrelly tasks.

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Surprise Car Ride

January 19, 2023 |

Hu-Dad can be so tricky. He asked Roscoe if he wanted to go for a car ride, which is awesome and exciting. Then he said just Roscoe—no one else. How terrific! And then we pulled up to the v-e-t for an annual exam and a blood draw and… Wait a minute! At least Hu-Dad said all the news was good and we don’t have to go back for a long time, but Roscoe might be slightly suspicious of the next invitation.

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Customs Inspector

January 17, 2023 |

Roscoe’s favorite spot in the house is his observation post—a convenient window beside Hu-Dad’s desk so Roscoe can monitor both those pesky squirrels and the Hu-Dad in the event he tries to sneak out of the room without announcing his destination. Yesterday, though, Roscoe had to quickly switch hats and monitor the suspicious package being delivered. Good thing he was on the job because our fresh supply of Musher’s Secret arrived for paw protection from road salt.

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Not A Blizzard

January 15, 2023 |

The winter storm that crossed over us promised to hammer the mountains just to our west. Parts of the Tennessee / North Carolina border above 4500 foot elevation saw two feet of snow. Sadly, just as predicted (at least by the not-trying-to-get-clicks professionals), we barely saw a dusting of snow. Landon and Typhoon might have more snow on their coats than on our greenway.

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Canine Editor

January 14, 2023 |

We might enjoy some fun and games in Hu-Dad’s study while he works on his busyness, but we also monitor him carefully to ensure he gets his work done. He was trying to take a break in his reading chair when he looked up and saw Typhoon perusing his notes. Yes, it’s hard work supervising the Hu-Dad.

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Zoomie Preparations

January 13, 2023 |

Because of some storms rolling over us, we were forced to entertain ourselves inside for a few hours. Nothing is better indoors than some raucous warp speed laps around the house. Landon prepares to demonstrate his Boom Boom skills with some masterful positioning of the launching device (aka, coiled rear legs) along with the propulsion engine (the spring loaded front legs) with precision targeting (those wide open eyes that “mostly” identify collision targets to avoid).

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Just Checking Again and Again

January 12, 2023 |

Poor Roscoe understands that Hu-Dad needs to do his busyness. Clickety-clackety on the computer and all those boring things. But whenever the work is over, Roscoe wants everyone to know he is ready for some games. Whenever. Don’t rush. Patience.

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The Song Must Go On

January 10, 2023 |

Roscoe tried. Really, he did. Hu-Dad felt the Sibernacle Choir attempting to erupt in celebration and he cautioned everyone to keep it bottled up. But that’s not fair. When the time is right, the song must go on.

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Look of Royal Judgment

January 8, 2023 |

We are often asked why we call him His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey. Our answer is in the look of royal judgment fired at the Hu-Dad last night. Any doubt what the Little Curmudgeon is thinking?

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