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Our Hu-Dad shares the latest updates on his writing projects, the books he's reading, and other details in random musings posted on his website. You can check out his novels there as well.
Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
What is that coming up?
Could I please borrow Qannik? I had a mountain lion following me yesterday… I needed eyes pointed backward as I tried to evacuate the area!
What did you hear, Qannik? It is very important to pay attention to all details.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Wonder what caught Qannik’s eye?
Ah Qannik!
He’s not my favorite for nothing!
Well yes, because what if a snake or a lion is following you?
I prefer to watch my own fluffy tail…ummm…well, woo know what I mean!
Very very smart! I had an “intruder on the trail” alert last week cause I didn’t keep an eye out! Lesson learned my friend…lesson learned… 🙂
Morgan agrees with you, Qannik! She wishes she could watch ahead of us and behind us at the same time.
I’m sure Bricey’s got your bakhk –
Although it might be a bit of a stretch from Minnie-Snow-da!
duh… hu-dad!!
Good job, now who is scouting the head of the trail?
It’s good that you’ve got the Herd’s six, Q!
Play bows,
Well, of course, Hu-dad we don’t want anyone to sneak up on us!!!!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
Dude! It’s for the Boogy Man, man!
Someones gotta watch your back