
Thanks to our good friend Dannan at The Little Brown Dog’s Blog, we have been awarded this great honor:

Butterfly Award

The official rules are:
– put the award on your blog
– put a link to theĀ blogfriendsĀ who gave it to you
– choose 10 (er, let’s make that 3) other blogfriendsĀ to give the award to
– post links of nominees I’m passing this award on to.

So, in that spirit, we are passing the award on to:

Turbo (Who should be our President)

KhyraĀ (Who should be our Vice President)

Biloxi (Because he looks so much like Rusty)

Pass it on!


  1. Steve and Kat on November 12, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Congrats on your award!


  2. Thor and Marco Polo on November 11, 2008 at 10:48 pm


    Congratulations on your cool Award!!! We Love Your BLOG!!!

    Thor and Marco Polo

  3. The OP Pack on November 11, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    Congrats on the award – pretty butterfly.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  4. Biloxi on November 11, 2008 at 6:22 pm

    Woo Woo Woo!
    Thank woo furry much! I feels honored!

    Husky kisses,

  5. Turbo the Sibe on November 11, 2008 at 11:26 am

    Wooo! Thanks for the award. I’ll chase that butterfly now!

  6. Khyra on November 11, 2008 at 8:01 am

    OH MY!

    Tank woo!!

    Those kholours are my mom’s favourites!!!

    PLUS, we all know that Sibe fluff gets around like a butterfly!!!!


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