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What could possibly cause the trouble brothers Roscoe and Typhoon to become serious security Siberian Huskies during a walk?
After the embarrassing incident of the poor observation skills and missing the presence of a cat, Typhoon and Roscoe doubled down on their security skills for yesterday morning’s walk. But was something else different to bring out their serious security Siberian tactics?
The Cheesewhiz’s 14th birthday is now just days away (December 22) and she still joins us for most morning two-mile walks (but naps during the afternoon three-mile walk). The boys step up their game when she is with us.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I can see them now “wooing” into their wrist microphones! Listening, intently with their earwigs! The Thundering Herd Security. No one gets past us…accept an occasional Cat, Squirrel, and various other creatures. Payment by Bacon only…????????????
And I can see her walking going do not embarrass me by missing another cat … I’ll walk out front …
I can hear her now ” Okay fellas, show me this bully cat that scared all 4 of you”
I just love them all!
A 2 mile morning walk is perfect for the lovely lady. The band of brothers make sure she is safe, except for an occasional cat!!
Miss Cheesy is SO lucky to have such protective brothers. I think too they were embarrassed by missing the cat too as you said Hu-Dad! I am so happy she is able to do the 2 mile walk in the morning . I can’t wait to wish her a Happy 14th Birthday!!!