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When Landon squeals in delight, you know something exciting is happening and yesterday’s squeaks led to some horsing around.
Some Siberian Huskies woo. Some howl. Some chat. And Landon, well, squeaks. And squeals. And then that high-pitched sound begins to erupt and grow in volume, you know something exciting is happening. It even attracts his brothers to see what is happening.
So what had Landon (and Frankie) so intrigued? Was it some wildlife? Nope, we just had our neighbors come by for a visit. “Neigh”-bors. The big dogs from next door. For the first time this season.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom ‘n Ebby BOTH say: Next time something excites Landon THAT much, please hu-Dad, video it so we can all hear!
Your ever-watchful kids don’t miss anything. (They’ve always been my favorite neighbors.)
Wish we lived there, my Ruby goes Sibe crazy over horses. Would also love to hear Landon and his fun noises.
I agree with Jean! would Landon ever let you video his wonderous vocal talents?
I love seeing those neigh-bors!
Landon and Frankie look SO amazed at the “Neigh-Bors”-those BIG dogs and their humans!!! I wish I could hear your squeaks and sqeals Landon-lol