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The gauntlet was thrown down. The dare was cast. Hu-Dad made his best effort, but Speedy Typhoon knew that Hu-Dad can’t catch this.
Landon may be the bounciest Sibe at Chez Herd, but no one is faster than the Little Prince himself. As the sun was setting last night, the air grew crisp and cold – perfect weather for maximum zoomies. Hu-Dad had his camera ready and knew he needed a really faster shutter speed to catch Typhoon without a blur, but the low light was a challenge. With Typhoon counting down the start of zoomies, did Hu-Dad capture the shot crisp and clear?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Fat and Happy ! Go Ty !
I like the blur!
Not bad…might want to ask photographers who cover the Indy 500. They might have some suggestions. It’s actually a great photo. It shows Landon’s quickness.
Still surprises me that he doesn’t torment Boom Boom more with his speed.
Typhoon you’re the most adorable blur I’ve ever seen!!!