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Sorry, but we are sulking right now after an evening of insults from our Hu-Dad. You will not believe what he has done to us now!
Hu-Dad invited a bunch of guests to the house Friday evening for a little dinner party. The house was vacuumed the house, furniture was dusted, and an elaborate dinner was prepared. The guests drove down our driveway and Hu-Dad prepared to open the front door and welcome them into our home . . . after we were all sent outside to enjoy the evening air of Sibe Quentin.
That’s right, folks. We didn’t get to jump on the guests. Leave muddy paw prints on their clothes. Cover them in fur. Steal their food. Counter surf for delicacies. Or clean the floor from dropped food. Can you believe it?
Oh, sure, some of the guests came out, said hello, scratched our ears, and chatted with us, but can’t you imagine how much more helpful we would have been inside where the action was?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
My small herd is howling in protest. Everyone who cares to visit us knows, no dark clothes, and prepare to be sticky brushed off when you leave. Oh, the travisty of leaving those poor lonely pups outside! They need the lawyers of Lickem, Digger and Drool. 1-800-dog-laws.
Leena is not happy at this moment reading this. She has instructed me to inform you herd that her home is open to headquarter the strike from!
Do those guests not realize who’s home that really is, the indogmanity of it all.
Incredible, you have every right to strike, picket, riot.
Koda took to his crate in horror. He’s utterly shaken at such devastating news. How could these new party people know the finer things in life like Sibey Flurriness flowing in the air.
Koda said if you need Sibe Union back up he with you. and he’ll wrangle Hazel the Hound to given an unbiased opinion. (Or she won’t get to use my bed at night anymore—not bribery just motivation)
I, for one, would have protested loudly in your behalf Thundering Herd! Let the puppies in and let the games begin!!!
What would a dinner pary ne without a sprinkling of sibe magic pixie fibers and merrily cavorting huskies jumping on furniture and guests while retrieving the savory treats? No fun of course!