Escaping The Unnatural Heat

Offended by the unnatural heat of a space heater, Typhoon did the Siberian Husky equivalent of out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I was so offended.

I was so offended.

Typically, Typhoon and Cheoah like to claim space in Hu-Dad’s study first thing in the mornings while everyone else is outside. Hu-Dad upset that system yesterday by turning on his space heater. After several chilly mornings in a row, he wanted to heat up the room a little bit as he worked away without turning on the heat system for the entire house.

Typhoon was not amused that heat was being pumped into his comfortably cold room. We are Siberian Huskies after all. He loudly demanded to go outside in the brisk weather.

A few minutes later, Hu-Dad noticed where Typhoon picked to nap.

In the sunbeam.

In the sunbeam.

Wait a minute, Typhoon, you are offended being in the same room as a space heater but you are perfectly fine baking your brains in the sunshine?

What's your point?

What’s your point?


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on September 9, 2017 at 3:02 pm

    Mom sez: Any Siberian we’ve had, from Chinook, to Kiah, to Ayla, to Ice, to the present Ebby, has done the same thing. Too warm in the house, so go and lie out on the deck, in the full sun, baking their brains out, their coats almost too hot to put your hand on. Gotta be a “Siber thing”!

  2. KJ Pierson on September 9, 2017 at 12:58 pm

    Your space heater must be loud then! DEMON DEVICE BEGONE!

  3. Lori on September 9, 2017 at 10:19 am

    Hahahaha!!!! You silly boy!

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