Our Photo Session Was Derailed By A Squirrel Distraction

Hu-Dad asked Landon to pose for a few photographs to describe our stay at Harrison Bay State Park, but a squirrel distraction happened.

Can't talk now. Squirrel distraction.

Can’t talk now. Squirrel distraction.

We take our modeling sessions for this blog quite seriously. Usually. But Landon says it is impossible to concentrate when squirrels are bounding in the woods around our campsite.

Face the camera? Sure . . . Squirrel!

Face the camera? Sure . . . Squirrel!

We don’t have squirrels around the house, except for those pesky flying ones, so they are quite the novelty for us. But they scamper along the ground at the perfect chasing level – if only Hu-Dad allowed us to chase them.

Can't pose now. I am busy.

Can’t pose now. I am busy.


  1. DJ, Cierra & Maggie on April 24, 2017 at 9:33 am

    We too have lots of squirrels here in the California foothills. Cierra trees them then can sit under that tree for hours making sure the poor critter can’t come down. Lucky for some, they will jump into another tree and escape. She has caught quite a few. Poor critters.

  2. Lori on April 24, 2017 at 7:38 am

    Izzy has brought me face to face with many a tree trunk on our daily walks as she chases squirrels or geckos who take off up the tree!!! Landon you still make for a precious model even when we can’t see your beautiful face ????

  3. Jane on April 24, 2017 at 7:10 am

    We have lots, and lots of squirrels here in Michigan. Aries caught one once. My husband was the only one outside when he got it. He called me out and that dog was so proud. He pranced and he pranced with that in his mouth. We should have cleaned it up for him and grilled it. It would have been a great meal for him lol. I have a ton of videos of him treeing squirrels in the back yard. I haven’t watched any in a while. Bruce trees them too. Hugs and kisses to the herd.

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