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Our year ended with the New Year’s Eve Blizzard 2016. Well, a blizzard compared to our pathetic snowfall so far this winter.
We were lounging by the fire in the fireplace when Hu-Dad told us it was snowing. We raced outside for the snow games to begin. We quickly realized that there was going to be a severe delay of game.
Hu-Dad kept encouraging us to run around in the yard so he could have photos for today’s blog. Our enthusiasm might have been lacking just a little bit, but we sure made up for it with sarcasm.
P.S. – Happy New Year!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Awwww kids it will come soon!!! I know it will!!! Then the snow games can really begin!!
What a tease… the snow that is. That first picture of Q is great. I envision a bubble caption saying, ‘this is a joke, right?’
Happy New Year to The Thundering Herd
Koda the Siberian Husky
Hazel the Coonhound-Foxhound
Papi the Chihuahua-Rat terrier (granddog)
Luna the German Shepherd-Pitbull (granddog)
Copper the Chihuahua (granddog)
And as usual the maid, chef, door greeter, fetcher, ear scratcher, and all around go-for Sue
Happy New Year!!!
From the Walsh Pack
Sabo the German Shepherd
Jasmine the Lab
Delola the German Shepherd
Athena the English Mastiff
P.S. It’s good to know that Shepherds are not the only sarcastic members of the canine club
That’s ok herd. We had a bunch of snow. It was the first time in at least 3 to 4 years since we had a white Christmas. I saw the pictures of last year and the grass was actually really green. We have no more snow though. It all melted away. Almost a week ago we broke a record with a high of 56. Who knows if we will get any more. Out Temps still go up and down I see for the next 2 weeks. I hope you get snow soon. Have a very Happy New Year. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
Mom ‘n Ebby say: WoW, we sure hope nopups got lost in that blizzard!