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Hu-Grandmom is visiting. Hu-Dad made homemade lasagna. So why are we outside when all of the fun is inside? Inquiring Sibes want to know.
Hu-Dad doesn’t do it very often, but he made his homemade lasagna for dinner last night. He works for over an hour making the sauce, and then everything goes together into a pan for the over for another hour. Through it all, the smell drifted to all of us.
And then the Hu-Grandmom showed up and they sat around the dining room table savoring the lasagna.
Cna you believe, through it all, Hu-Dad thought things might go just a little smoother if we stayed outside. Oh, sure, we got to go inside after dinner was complete (and Landon scored lots and lots of snooter kisses from the Hu-Grandmom), but we think it is totally unfair that we didn’t get to hang out around the dining table with that delicious smelling lasagna.
Or maybe that was the problem?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
They expect us to share ALL our food with them. We’re all a part of the same pack is their reasoning. Ours give us the stare and when that doesn’t work, the paw on the leg.
Ebby sez: Sounds about like what happens at our house. Sitting outside the patio door, looking in at all that food on the table. Maybe the hu-Dad thought six extra faces around the table, drooling at the wonderful aroma of lasagna, was a bit much. Could that be it, do you think?
Oh you poor poor Sibes…. I can’t believe the horror of it all! I hope you’ve all been able to recover fully from the strain you’ve endured!! ????❤️