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Typhoon has figured out the big advantage of having a new brother, especially when you have a little reputation already established.
Typhoon has both loved having a new playmate in the yard and disliked having to share the attention he always received as the “Baby Boy.” As Landon has settled into life with The Herd, Typhoon has also figured out the best part of having a new brother. Especially when that brother is so new that he makes lots of mistakes learning the rules of life within The Herd.
Yes, we caught Typhoon grinning after hearing “Landon, stop it,” for the eleventy-seventh bazillion time yesterday.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Lol, I bet Landon gets the blame for some of Typhoon’s future misadventures!
And what was poor little Landon doing?
Mom ;n Ebby say: Yes, I can see Typhoon feeling a little “smug”, figuring he has someone else who’ll “take the heat” off him for awhile. However, Ty, I wouldn’t be feeling TOO smug about it. Landon seems to be a pretty quick learner!