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Hu-Dad wanted to serve dinner, but needed to wait on the Queen’s arrival from the lower part of Sibe Quentin. Her response clearly stated, “Don’t rush me.”
We clamor for our dinner within minutes of dinner time, so Hu-Dad raced to have our meals prepared. With the food ready, he called for us to take our stations so that the food could be served. The only challenge – Queen Natasha wandering the lower part of Sibe Quentin inspecting the perimeter. Waiting on you, hollered the Hu-Dad.
The Queen, however, never responds well to demands. She paused to sniff grass, inspect the fence, get a drink of water, and just assert her authority. We knew better than to complain and waited patiently.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
HRH deserves to have the troops delay mess until she is good and ready!
Haha – the Queen (or in our case, the Princess) should never be rushed!
Monty, Harlow and Ramble
A queen has to do what a queen has to do… right Natasha!!