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With warm, spring weather in full force at the beach, we are able to take full advantage of the outdoor dining options – more or less.
Hu-Dad is a big fan of the Eggs Up Grill in Pawleys Island, SC. They have a large outdoor patio for dining and lots of shade trees throughout the parking area for our comfort. Apparently, this means that the Hu-Dad can enjoy his breakfast and be able to watch us the whole time as we wait in the Jeep.
We can only do this in places with lots of shade to keep us cool, and, even then, only in times of the year when the temperatures are cool enough for us to stay comfortable. Having a Jeep with the windows removed and the doors open does give us nice cool temperatures.
Hu-Dad did point out that he watched us eat breakfast before we left the campground, so we shouldn’t have any issue with getting to watch him eat breakfast. Anyone care to guess what our reaction to that was?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Gosh, how could you do that, Hu-Dad? Haha. I am in awe at how much training it must take for you to keep all of the Herd quiet and cooperative at times like this.
Always feed the kids first and sometimes forget I’ve missed a meal. A life devoted to animals. Not complaining.
The look on Typhoon’s face is classic! Corgis agree that all human meals should be communal.