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Hu-Dad was running the tractor, clearing brush, and picking up limbs blown down by winter storms. Sounds like a perfect lazy weekend for us.
Wait. Did you think we started off talking about lots of work? Hu-Dad noticed that the wild black berry vines are already growing. The bears really love those vines come mid-summer when the berries are ripe and that means we need to knock down the vines closest to the house while leaving plenty lower in the field for the bears to enjoy. We love the bears – just not right up against our fence. Work now keeps all of that under control.
And we get some fairly strong winter winds that knock brush and branches into our field. Those have to be picked up and cleared before the field can be bush hogged and mowed later this spring. All of that work made us think of exactly one thing.
Hey, don’t take this wrong. We are a working breed and all, but that is not our type of work. It is hard enough work to look all cute and fuzzy all of the time.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I’m jealous. I need a lazy weekend.
Mom sez: Uhhh, I just have one question — if Frankie (at least, I THINK it’s Frankie) is standing at the railing watching the hu-Dad at work out in the field, WHO took the picture? (Just thought I’d ask!)
Just so you know Ya big white fuzzy polar bear… You’d be fair game laying there napping for some for some big cuddles and snuggles!!!!