Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd 2016 – Natasha

We are off and running with the Third Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd benefitting Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation. With Qannik, Cheoah, and Ruby all coming to us (or, Ruby to The Herd Annex) via Sarge’s, we are big fans of all of the hard work that they do.

Our nominee today is brought to us by Youth of Sarge’s member Jewell who is proud to sponsor the Queen herself – Queen Natasha the Evil.

Jewell and Natasha

Jewell and Natasha

Mr. Wall was privileged to have received Natasha when she was 8 weeks old from a small breeder. She was born June 10, 2003, being the only dog in the Herd whose birthday is actually known.

Natasha has several nicknames such as Her Highness, Juvenile Delinquent, Grumble Bunny and currently Queen Natasha the Evil. She certainly lives up to all these names. She likes to wrestle, play pranks on the rest of the Herd, and she leaves no doubt that she is the BOSS!

Natasha is the one member of the Herd who always sleeps in the bed and rightfully so. After all we are talking about the QUEEN, TOP DOG.

Natasha is extremely intelligent and VERY headstrong. She can open doors, is counter surfer,and has amazing logic ability. Since she is the oldest, wisest, most experienced, and the Queen, no one is surprised at her strong leadership of the Herd. Natasha demands respect and gets it. She will be an awesome Valentine Queen and who deserves it more?

Glorious Snow

Woo! Jewell sure knows me!

Two nominations down and six more to go (because we are including the Herd Annex – Tartok and Ruby) – each sponsored by a member of the Youth of Sarge’s. Supporting a dog – and Sarge’s – is really, really simply. Just mail a Valentine to your favorite member of the Herd at Dog’s Name, The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC, 28751. And, if you want, include a check made out to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation and we will make sure this awesome 501(c)3 organization gets your donation. Yes, 100% of your donations go straight to Sarge’s (which is why we ask you to make your checks payable to them and not us).

As part of our program with Sarge’s this year, we are sharing an animal that is currently looking for a home! Oh, sure, we might be dogs, but we are not forgetting our feline friends in need:



“Abby” is a beautiful “Torbie” kitty, about 10 months old. She has huge round eyes and always looks amazed! She is a sweet girl, just a little shy, so will need just a bit of time to settle into a new home.

And, yes, Abby is currently available for adoption through Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation. Find their adoption application on their website or call (828) 246-9050 for more information. And, of course, mail a Valentine to any one of us with a donation and 100% of the money will go to Sarge’s to support their year round effort to find dogs and cats permanent homes!


  1. Melon on January 21, 2016 at 7:39 pm

    Oooh. I had my vote planned before the contest started, but what a recommendation! Uh-oh, I may be swayed…

  2. beth on January 18, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    Very best of luck!!!!

  3. All Things Collie on January 18, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    Good luck! We hope you raise a lot of money!

  4. Lori on January 18, 2016 at 8:47 am

    Oh Natasha you truly are Queen of the castle! Such a beautiful lady❤️

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