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Hu-Dad visited our cousins, Tartok and Ruby, yesterday and was amused at their very different dinner strategies. Of course, a good strategy puts in close proximity to the humans while they are eating and increases your chance of a snack.
Ruby stakes out a prime spot under the dining room table. She is so quiet and stealthy, the humans usually do not even know she is there.
Tartok tries the much more blatant “look how cute I am” strategy. Major points for style, but the location is not quite as good.
P.S. – To be clear, neither gets table scraps. They are just ever hopeful that this will be the night when the rules change.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay i wunder if this is wot the faymus minstrel dave matthews had in mind wen he kalld his album under the taybel and dreeming!!! ha ha ok bye
And love it! All of it!
Small children and drunks drop more food. They should be staked out.
Hope springs eternal! We two legs should learn from our pups.
Mom sez: Ruby wins! Same happens at our house. Ebby stakes her claim to the spot under the table, where Ice is at a disadvantage, because he WILL not walk on the laminate floor. We don’t try to coax him, because at his age (14 ½), his footing is not all that good on it, and are afraid of him slipping. Instead, he takes up a spot at the edge of the carpet, where he’s within “tossing distance” of MY chair. (And, got to admit, have been guilty of “tossing” occasionally).
Those darn irresistible adorable faces get us every time!
Ice- Have your mom check out dog mocs at Trimming foot fur is something I prefer not to do, but I’ve used these on another older (non-husky) and they work better than the rubber soled boots or cowhide. They’re made of deer hide, are very soft and flexible.