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Our beach week is complete and we made it home safe and sound, after a little over 7 hours of RV driving. Vacations are awesome, but nothing is quite as nice as being home after an extended absence. While we are settling back into Chez Herd (and the humans are dealing with laundry, mail, and all of the annoying human issues), we thought we would just reflect back on some beach memories.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
What great shots.
Welcome home Thundering Herd!!! Glad it was a good vacation. Now you’re all rested up for some home time antics????
Ice ‘n Ebby both say: Ahhwwwooooo, the ground just doesn’t fit quite the same in a campground as it does at home. Home is much better. Different dirt.
The Thundering Herd and their hu-mans deserve a good rest at home.