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Really, Typhoon is growing up and maturing. Just at his own pace. Slowly. And there are so many Typhoon Temptations.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Ice sez: Owwoooooooo, Ty, what did you do this time?
Ty you are a funny character! We love you and your antics. Keep us laughing!
Ty you are a funny character! We love you and your antics. Keep us laughing!
Tethers definitely come in handy! My boy Koda is SLOWLY maturing, but still needs quite a bit of guidance! BOL
አhusky hugz አfrum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Uh, Typhoon. I hate to tell you, but to some pups, that couch is not exactly a prison. Just sayin’… count you blessings little man.
Lol, the second photo reminds me of a kid in time out on the couch.
Children, no matter the species. Poor Ty. LOL
Haha Typhoon, if you have been grounded to the couch, you might as well enjoy the view! Poor boy! :0)