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We are always asked how we achieve such peace and quiet in the campsite with so many dogs. The answer is really simple.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
This only works for one of us here. Princess Kat doesn’t like bully sticks. Mom is constantly looking for something she will actually like for a chew, but the list is super short.
O I love yeur Majick!!! And now I know why the Mom came teu yeu with her bully stick questions!!! Thank yeu for those answers, by the way!!!
wif lubbs from Little Reufus
PS I’m feeling a little misbehaving coming on, and I think a bully stick would redirect me! Just saying.
Ayla sez: Our hu-Mom and Dad buy treats for us, too, but not sure if they can even get bully sticks in Canada. They buy us “Rollover” brand Pork Hide Sticks, made here in Canada, and Dr. Mercola “Bison Bites” ordered from some place the hu-Mom calls “The States”.
Great at home; ideal on the road; the best for outdoor adventures…bully sticks, nature’s most perfect elixir! Enjoy!
Bully sticks are magical
Stop on by for a visit
Mystery solved! And I thought it took Scooby Snacks!
Quick! Take a nap!
Monty and Harlow
when we were camping..(I really miss camping RV’ING) we would go with 4 or 5 dogs…our were well behaved also…It is always the little yippy ones that make noise…I love reading all your adventure stories..keep them coming..