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Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims and victims’ families of the tornadoes of the last few days, particularly the Moore, OK, tornado. As always, we are thankful for the first responders and volunteers who ran into danger to save so many. We also want to recognize all of those teachers who did everything they could to protect their young charges.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
This is an after shot, right? You guys have just come back from a walk, or swim, or… or… hmmm….
Maybe The Herd and their cousins are respecting your advancing age, Hu-Dad!
Just looking at those photos is totally exhausting. We need a nap.
Susan and Wrigs
Yeah, it looks like way too much adrenalin for our crowd!
Amen to that! So many people that are pitching in and doing whatever they can to help! Prayers to them all in OK!
Love to have seen peeps faces walking by your crew!
Ayla sez: Yeah, and now it’s going to take a week to rest up after you get home, isn’t it? Tell the hu-Mom & Dad to go easy on you this coming week, so you can rest up for the coming weekend’s next adventure.
Krystal the Schneagle says that your camping trips can be described as ‘thrills, chills, and spills.”