Winter Hours

The cooler autumn temperatures have arrived here in Asheville. With the summer weather gone, we’ve returned to winter hours, though that has created a slight problem.

We walk twice a day—early in the morning and midday. During the summer, though, that midday can be as early as 11 am because Hu-Dad has us avoid temperatures above 80º. That cuts into his busyness time in his office since he likes to get most of his writing done in the mornings.

We won’t see the heat again until next summer. Our predicted highs are in the low 70s and even 60s for the next few weeks and will continue to drop into the winter. It feels wonderful, but Hu-Dad has returned our midday walk to the 1pm schedule.

We, however, are struggling with the change. Come 11 am, we gently remind—his word is pester—him that it’s time to go walking. Believe it or not, he tells us to curl up and nap some more. Crazy, right?

Don’t worry, though, we can be quiet while he works. Well, Siberian quiet. A little wrestling. A few chases around the house. Anything to let him get his busyness done.

Oh, look, he’s ready to go walking now. Something about might as well because it’s hard to concentrate. We don’t know what might be distracting him, but we’ll be glad to go walking with him. Even if it does mean we’ll be tired and have to nap later.

Some photos

We’re posting photos on our Facebook and Instragram pages, but realize not all of you follow our social media. We thought we would share the photos when we post here as well. Enjoy!

Frankie Suave is happy to report that all vet results came back clear. We celebrate the good news.
Landon is doing his best to mimic the suave nature of his older brother. Frankie looks like he's expecting some Boom Boom to come out any second.
Landon is doing his best to mimic the suave nature of his older brother. Frankie looks like he’s expecting some Boom Boom to come out any second.
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon involved in his favorite activity—mischief. Or hunting. Or ignoring the Hu-Dad.
Sorry, but Roscoe says something important came up that requires his undivided attention, so he doesn’t have time to look at the camera.


  1. Nicole Tester on September 23, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    Wonderful news for Frankie!

  2. Debbie & Miss Ruby on September 23, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    Always good news when our seniors get a clean bill of health. Ruby loves today with 58 and showers. Enjoyed all the photos.

  3. Pat and Rambo on September 23, 2023 at 11:03 am

    Thank you for making my day. So happy Frankie is doing well, that is wonderful news. The boys look like they are doing a great job if helping Hu-Dad with his busyness and making sure he gets his exercise. They are so happy to help him. It was great to see all of them behaving just the way we would expect.. Enjoy the cooler weather.

  4. Mary on September 23, 2023 at 10:48 am

    They so love the fall weather! I have been traveling between two time zones for work, and it sure does mess with my huskies schedules! 🤣🤣🤣 I total understand them pestering at the wrong time of day.

    ❤️ the updates

  5. Amarok & Co on September 23, 2023 at 10:14 am

    Loved having an email from the Herd. The boys are doing their best to keep their Hu-dad in line and on time!

  6. Kathye Shuman on September 23, 2023 at 9:55 am

    Yes… here in the NW corner of Asheville we are also enjoying the drop in temps. Time for hiking!

  7. HokiePack on September 23, 2023 at 9:47 am

    Such a nice surprise to see an email from the HERD this morning! Glad Frankie is doing well, 💥 is booming, Ty is ignoring and Roscoe is being Roscoe. Also thankful that cooler weather is here 🍁🧙‍♀️

  8. Joe ( Aurora's dad ) on September 23, 2023 at 9:35 am

    Thanks for the update! Great news on Frankie’s vet visit! We’re getting somewhat lower temps here in the corn ghetto, thank the Almighty! Aurora says ‘hey’ to the herd! Y’all have a wonderful autumn!

  9. Padma Bending on September 23, 2023 at 8:00 am

    Thanks for the update. Yeah for Frankie’s good news. I only get on FB a few times a week so I don’t always see what you post.

  10. Sea Wolf on September 23, 2023 at 7:52 am

    Thank you for the photos. Always brings a smile when I get your family pictures in the mail. Miss the regular updates like before but you do still send them along. Social media is not much of a thing here. Too much busyness to do.

  11. Susan on September 23, 2023 at 4:27 am

    Thanks for the photos, Hu-Dad! I follow you on Facebook, so I’ve seen all of these but the last one. I’m glad y’all are doing well, and that it’s cooling off where you live.

    The forecast high tomorrow where I am is…97. We have a “cold” front coming in this weekend, and the forecast high for Monday is 86. I’ll take it over highs in the 100s, but it’s still a lot warmer than I like. But my Chihuahua likes the heat, so at least somebody’s happy!

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