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The chaos from the youngsters became a bit too much, so Frankie Suave had to put a paw down and regain some order.
Frankie Suave earned his nickname by his calm, cool demeanor. Other than thunder and other loud noises, not much bothers him. When he became the eldest in The Herd, his leadership style matched that personality. As long as the youngsters left him out of the mess, he didn’t stop their fun. Sometimes, though, a dog just has to put a paw down and say stop. This photo caught one of those moments.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Great shot Hu-Dad!
Ruby still insists that Seniors rule the house!!
Be careful Ty ! Don’t want to upset Frankie Suave. He will put the smack down on you ???
Uh-oh-Frankie Suave says STOP this foolishness!!! Be calm!