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Roscoe saw Hu-Dad going outside and asked him to hold that door. Don’t worry, though, because he just handled it himself.
Hu-Dad went out to the backyard for a few things without taking us with him. We know, it sounds crazy and we knew it was a mistake. Don’t worry, though, because Roscoe took care of things and opened the door. You should have heard Hu-Dad’s shouts of glee when he saw us coming.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Good job Rosco!!! Hu-Dad could have been in trouble and unable to yell “help I’ve fallen & can’t get up!!” He forgot Siberian Huskie rule ninety eleventy hundred thousand- Hu-Dad must at all times be accompanied by at least one or more Huskies!!????
He’s certainly your shadow.
So sweet of Roscoe to fix Hu-Dads mistake! ? Opening doors now ? Hu-Dad you are in trouble ??♀️
Everybody needs a few minutes alone!! Not so, says the “faithful” Sibe.
I WISH I could see a video of you HU-Dad shouting with GLEE!!!!! I mean you really have to announce when you are going into the back yard!!! Roscoe is one smart boy!!!