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What is Landon thinking when his nose is pressed against the fence and his tail is swishing to and fro? I spy a deer friend.
Landon freezes in the middle of the yard. He swivels his head and stares into the woods. With a flap of the tail, he engages the springs in his paws and bounces across the backyard to the fence. With that famous bushy tail flapping in excitement, he peeks through the slats and let’s us know he spots one of his deer friends.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
We’ve had mule deer frequently and Juno wanted to engage them. They saw ‘wolf,’ and declined. Just lovely animals.
Deer make great friends, they are quiet and only eat pumpkins!!
Oh Boom Boom-how FUN to play I SPY with a deer!!!!! Love that tail of yours too-I bet the rest of the herd came to see what you were looking at?
I hope everyone
had a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving!!!!