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Hu-Dad spied the Little Prince hawk watching in the backyard and wondered if Typhoon was thinking, “If only I could fly…”
Hu-Dad’s first reaction was amusement at Typhoon’s focus on the hawk soaring overhead, but then he thought the Little Prince might be studying it for possible lessons. With a nice set of wings and the ability to float overhead, he might be able to return to his rabbit-catching days of youth. Hu-Dad tried to tell him the story of Icarus, but the Little Curmudgeon never wants to hear about the dangers of hubris.
NOTE: We will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with family on Thursday, so we will not post that day. Our Way Back Wednesday will be shared on the usual spaces and then we will return to posting Friday.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Extra hugs to your sister and your nephew for the loss of husband/father they suffered and will be without on the holidays.
Landon should give Typhoon flying lessons.
Happy thanksgiving to you all.
We wish The Herd and Humans a Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful to be able to read about their adventures!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to celebrating it with my new boy. Rambo is using his leg a lot more and the last x-ray of his leg shows the plate and screws are fine and he is healing well.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.
So many times I have asked the dog what they were looking at!!
Enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving Day.
What concentration! IF ONLY we could tell what they are thinking?
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day!!!
that nose needs a kiss!!!