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Hu-Dad has already reminded us someone is tracking who’s naughty and nice, so Landon thinks he’s watching very closely.
A mere five weeks until Christmas Day, so something about he’s watching and keeping a list and tracking who is a good boy. Landon knows Santa Claus has always been very good to him, so he knows he’s watching. Now the only task is to convince his bad boy brother Typhoon. Hu-Dad muttered good luck with that.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Santa understands Typhoon’s quirky ways. I’m sure he’ll be fine. 🙂
Of course Landon is being a good boy because we KNOW who’s watching. The Little Prince on the other hand is VERY IFFY.
Our dogs are so spoiled it seems almost everyday is Christmas.. But I do try and tell them being good dogs brings extra treats!!
Now I know why Ruby turned on her extra good Husky charm yesterday on her walk!!! She also knows he is watching.