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Boom Boom says it takes great talent to bounce around the yard in a chaotic fashion and perform the squiggly tail simultaneously.
Landon’s ridiculous tail has long been his furry claim to fame. When he’s happy (which is almost always), the bushy mass of fur flicks back and forth. When he’s trying to sneak around with some mischief, it swirls even faster. Now, he’s added the squiggly tail to his running repertoire. We can only salute his talent.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Oh my ? you have outdone yourself !! Impressive squiggly tail. Do you play music ? As that looks like a treble clef ??
A fountain of lovely fur on that boy.
Love that squiggling tail!!
Landon AKA Boom Boom seems to have successfully mastered the art of tail squiggling(if that’s a word lol)