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Hu-Dad was stressed out because of computer issues, so Typhoon put on his face of concern in sympathy. No, wait, that’s not it.
Hu-Dad’s very ancient iMac finally crashed for the last time yesterday afternoon and doesn’t appear to be coming back. Fortunately, he has solid backups, so no data is lost, but working is challenging until a replacement arrives. All of his stress resulted in this face of concern from Typhoon. Uh, Typhoon. Seriously, just a little concern. Never mind.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Sorry the tech is letting you down. When you bring a new one in, I’ll be curious to see if it gets 1 to 4 noses of approval!
He looks like he’s in a kind of meditative state. Could it be due to the verbal assault on the computer? ;-))
That face is saying keep the noise down Hu-Dad! The Prince is resting ???
That is a great “Little Prince” pose.
Typhoon’s expression shows LITTLE concern for your computer issues Hu-Dad. I believe the only thing he IS concerned about is the walks and the feeding times-lol