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Today, we pause and remember all of the heroes and all of the victims from twenty-one years ago. We will never forget.
For the last twenty-one years, the families of the 2,977 people killed on that tragic day have carried on without their loved ones. Emergency responders have suffered and died from the aftereffects of their heroic actions. Military members from our own troops and our allies have been injured and killed. Our world changed dramatically twenty-one years ago, so we pause today to mourn for all those impacted.
We also pause in gratitude for the random acts of kindness that day and ever since. Hu-Dad has been blessed to meet people around the globe, of various races and religions, and has been met with overwhelming kindness from them—human beings simply showing that we all can live in peace if we want. May someday we achieve that.
Until then, we will never forget the ones we lost.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I cannot remember a lot of things from 21 years ago but I still remember being in work seeing it on TV. I had a co-worker whose brother was in the Pentagon (but thankfully was okay).
It would be so nice to all live in peace. That is one day we will never forget.
We will never forget. As someone who remembers the horrific day I talk to my grandchildren and great grandchildren so although were not here in 2001 my memories will become theirs. To honor ALL who died that day . The workers-the EMT’s-the firefighters etc and of course the canines who worked so hard to try and rescue the survivors.
I too agree that maybe someday we will all learn to live in peace.