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On a warm afternoon, Typhoon is torn between the lure of air conditioned comfort inside or freshly cut grass outside the house.
You might think our lives are soft and easy, but we face tough decisions every day. Yesterday, for example, Typhoon struggled with his choices. He could go inside and curl up on his air-conditioning vent for cool Siberian air. Or he could go outside and roll in the fresh cut grass in the backyard. Which choice did he make?
You might be surprised to discover he chose outside. He’s a huge fan of napping in the grass. Well, that, and Hu-Dad urged him to go inside so, of course, he did the opposite.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Anything similar to the tree of life growing on your backyard, or do they prefer the covered patio for shade?
They always do the opposite to what we want them to do!!
Good decision Ty ! Fresh grass is the best !!
Ty will only go in when he gets to toasty outside and his tongue is hanging out just as our boy does.
Hu-Dad-before I read the whole page I was going to say outside too! Especially IF Typhoon can find a fairly shady spot!!!! I hope he had a nice nap!