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Our neighbors were up to something and Roscoe was busy figuring out what. The trees blocked the view, but the sniffer knows.
Our neighbors were out on their back deck. Roscoe could hear them talking, but he couldn’t see much because of the trees blocking the view. He sat back up and put the ultimate weapon to the test. The sniffer knows all and soon announced all the edibles they had at their outside dinner. Too bad Hu-Dad didn’t let him go over and perform a taste test.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
He looks very zen in that shot. Must have been a pretty yummy scent.
The neighbors must be having grilled squirrel tonight!! Roscoe says bring it on.
AAWW Roscoe P-your sniffer DOES know what the neighbors are cooking up on the grill!!! I bet you were sad Hu-Dad didn’t let you go over for that taste test?