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Frankie Suave may be the senior member of The Herd, but he is keeping pace with the youngsters every step of the way on both daily walks.
We walk twice a day, every day. Rain or shine, warm weather or cold. A total of five to six miles daily. A senior canine would certainly be allowed to skip if they wished, but Frankie Suave refuses. He’s been a member of The Herd for ten-and-a-half years, so he’s probably twelve or maybe even thirteen, but he is keeping pace with the youngsters every day.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Maddox didn’t stop walking really until just over 14. GO FRANKIE. I cannot believe it has been TEN YEARS. The quiet patriarch. 🙂
bless his heart! XO
Juno was in her 17th year and mostly blind when she went on a walkabout when a gate blew open. I caught up with her quickly right across the road. The urge to explore never faded.
Frankie looks to have a lot more adventure ahead of him.
Some old dogs I have had just never wanted to quit!! Walks does keep them young. Ruby is always sleeping but still perks up and will walk for up to 2hrs with a few rests along the way. Senior owners and senior dogs get along so well!!
Ah Sweet Frankie! Keep on trucking dude !
You are looking good ?
Our old doggies are the best. My Rocky is somewhere around 12 or 13 and he is at his best on his walks. Exercise seems to keep those joints flexable, and walks are the best part of the day. Keep up the good work Frankie!
Good job Frankie. You show them that seniors ROCK!!! You are awesome!!!!