Sunday Morning Stretch

The humans worked on Christmas decorations yesterday and will do so again today, so that makes a lazy Sunday morning stretch for us.

Streeeeeeeeeeetch - Sunday morning Stretch

Our routines haven’t been quite so routine the last few days. We had guests in the house Wednesday and Thursday for Thanksgiving and now the humans are busy putting up Christmas decorations. Works for us because we get to practice our napping skills (never want to get out of napping shape). Typhoon performs a Sunday morning stretch to warm up the body for a good snooze.


  1. tammyj on November 28, 2021 at 7:45 pm

    Sunday morning yoga! XOXO

  2. Jean Burkhardt on November 28, 2021 at 7:38 am

    There DOES seem to be an art to the PRE NAP stretch-lol Of course Typhoon Phooey has it PERFECTED!

  3. Padma Bending on November 28, 2021 at 7:31 am

    Jordy agrees that it’s good to stretch before napping. He naps after his morning walk to prepare for his pre-lunch nap, for example.

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