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When you first wake up, you may have a moment when you aren’t sure if this is a dream or reality—like Frankie discovering his little brother waiting.
When you first wake up from a nap, do you have that moment when you aren’t sure if you’re still dreaming? Frankie is trying to decide exactly why his little brother Landon has decided to nap so close. Has Boom Boom gotten into trouble with his other brothers? Is he looking for wisdom from big bro? It’s Friday, Dear Readers, so give us your best caption this.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Frankie Bro-WHY don’t we PRETEND to be sleeping and when HU-Dad walks by we jump and howl????
So you say you know where the hidden snacks are at?
Frankie can you teach me to be cool like you ?
Hey Frankie, is there anything we can do to put some excitement in the day for Hu-Dad and the Herd? Been pretty quiet lately!!