A Pain In The Rear

We keep our posts family friendly, so let’s call Typhoon’s latest medical issues a pain in the rear (though you’re free to think what you want).

waiting on the vet - a real pain in the rear
Waiting on the vet

Typhoon’s medical issues are legendary with food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, and other fun things. His latest issue was an infection that developed in a sensitive area. Let’s just say it was located at the end of the digestive track. That has required a change in his medications and some poking and prodding in places that shouldn’t be poked and prodded. The good news is everything seems to be working and we are well on our path to full recovery. The bad news is His Grumpiness is extra grumpy, but we’re giving him a wee bit of sympathy for it.


For those newer to our stories or who may have forgotten the details, Typhoon has quite the history of digestive issues. At first, we thought he was simply a picky eater and tried all the tricks in the book (raw food, certain meats, certain foods, soups, stews, supplements, etc.). We also tried the old “He’ll eat when he gets hungry” routine.

None of it worked. At one point several years ago, we nearly lost him as his weight dropped to around 38 pounds. We were finally able to diagnose him with a severe case of irritable bowel syndrome plagued with numerous food allergies. He also has a poorly structured small intestine (that’s as pleasant as we can describe it) which limits his ability to properly absorb nutrition. In short, he is a digestive mess.

We started him on a rigorous medical regime that continues to this day with minor tweaks as needed. That includes the daily pill taking episodes which can be quite funny (yeah, we tried all the pill taking tricks too, but now just go the old fashioned route – a bonding experience for Hu-Dad and the Little Prince). We joke, as we do about many things, calling him the Little Curmudgeon and His Grumpiness, but part of that is dealing with the medical issues.

Today he hovers between 45 and 50 lbs, a normal but slightly low weight for his frame. The latest issue was just another issue—one in a long line of issues. The good news is he’s feeling much better and back to wreaking havoc with his bestest buddy Roscoe P.

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  1. tammyj on November 1, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    bless his heart! and yours too Hu Dad. for having the love and patience to see him through it all.
    no wonder he’s grumpy. he probably doesn’t even feel well most of the time! he’s a sweetheart. XO

  2. Juno's mom on October 31, 2021 at 1:23 pm

    Poor sweetie. Good thing that he ended up with your herd. I’ve always felt badly for people who can’t afford the care that medical issues require. There are non-profit organizations that help those who qualify and they are vetted. One I support is Red Rover. You get the initial story about the pet and a follow up on the success of treatment. It’s a great feeling to help an animal and the people who love them.

  3. S Deaver on October 31, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    So glad you and His Royal Grumpiness are good for each other.

  4. Cheryl Seybert on October 31, 2021 at 10:45 am

    Poor Ty!!! This human has digestive issues and find that bad enough let alone a poor Sibe that hasn’t concord the humane version of language!! Sure glad Hu-Dad understandings Siberian!!

  5. M Bergstrom on October 31, 2021 at 9:02 am

    My dachshund, Jake, has a digestive issue which we are trying to identify. The poor guy is miserable some days. I’m glad Typhoon’s issue is on the mend.

  6. Debbie & Miss Ruby on October 31, 2021 at 7:59 am

    Glad to hear that Typhoon is back to feeling better. Digestive issues are difficult to deal with. I had Danny (super grumpy) with what we always referred to as a tender tummy, really IBS. He lived to the ripe old age of 17 and never went over 45 lbs, very thin for a Collie.

  7. Jean Burkhardt on October 31, 2021 at 7:24 am

    AAWWW Poor Typhoon. I know how frustrating and just plain scary it can be to have a dog with digestive issues. Our beagle Patches always had that too BUT not as severely as the little Prince’s. I’m so happy to hear he’s feeling better!

    Happy Halloween All!

  8. K Lavsa on October 31, 2021 at 6:18 am

    Glad to hear he’s on the mend!

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Helene (To The Tune of Jolene by Dolly Parton

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