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Hu-Dad discovered his desk chair was blocked from rolling, so he asked a certain dog to move. Here is Roscoe’s response.
Hu-Dad had been working hard and decided he needed to take a break from his busyness. He pushed back in his chair and discovered it went nowhere. He turned around and spied the obstacle, so he asked a certain young dog to move away from the wheels. Roscoe’s response was quite clear. Negotiations ensued. We’re happy to report an amicable settlement was reached.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Roscoe stuck his tongue out at you like a kid!!! LOVE IT!!!??????
Spoken like a TRUE Husky!!!
Such an irresistible face!
HHMM-I wonder what Hu-Dad had to offer Roscoe to end the negotiation? Maybe a treat or 2? I am glad it ended peacefully!