Caption This: Home Alone

Hu-Dad had some busyness that took him into town, so we were left home alone yesterday afternoon. What does Landon have to say about that?

Home Alone

Hu-Dad normally works from the office here in the house, but sometimes he has to leave. Yesterday afternoon, his busyness took him into town for several hours and we were left home alone. Plus, horror of horrors, both our afternoon walk and dinner were late. When Hu-Dad came home, he asked if we had behaved. Landon took the lead in explaining how good we were. So, go ahead, Dear Reader, fill in the blanks for this week’s Caption This. What did Landon, who usually talks too much, say?


  1. Flick Marks on April 23, 2021 at 5:18 pm

    Landon said, I was hiding candy and having a meal on nuts!!!

  2. Cheryl Seybert on April 23, 2021 at 7:36 am

    I agree with Jean!! Just add the music from the Baha Men – Who Let the Dogs Out as background! And my imagination is having a field day!! ??

  3. Debbie and Ruby on April 23, 2021 at 6:46 am

    Landon said, “We were so good while you were gone. We just talked among ourselves. Good thing you came home when you did, I hate to say what may have happened. The things we had planned were unthinkable!!”

    • Jean Burkhardt on April 23, 2021 at 7:26 am

      Oh wow Debbie and Ruby-your caption was just so GOOD I can’t cannot come up with something better! I agree that’s what Landon said-lol

    • HokiePack on April 23, 2021 at 7:53 am

      Where have you been?? Out running around while we starve here at the house !! Shame on you Hu-Dad

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