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Roscoe P. volunteers to be the neighborhood greeter, starting with the two black dogs living behind us.
Roscoe has volunteered to be the official neighborhood greeter of The Herd. On his wishlist of neighbors to meet—a plethora of squirrels, a pair of black dogs who live behind us and bark their greeting (who he is looking at in the photo), some overly well-behaved labradoodles who puzzle him with their quiet sit/stay, lots of children (some of whom have already scratched his ears), and more squirrels.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
It’s nice to have a social circle. ♥
Oh Roscoe! what a wonderful greeter you are. I can think of none better! XOXO
Perfect doggie-person for the job.
Sounds like a lively neighborhood for The Herd to get acquainted with. The only sit/stay I am aware of happens while holding tight to the harness!! Siberians are always a kid magnet. good thing 99% love kids..
I agree with Don Davis-SIT/Stay is NOT in the Siberian vocabulary! I like that Roscoe is getting to know the neighborhood children though BUT not the squirrels! Getting to know a new property CAN be fun!
“What is this ‘sit, stay’ of which you speak? Such words do not exist in SiberianSpeak!”