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For this week’s Caption This Friday, what is capturing Roscoe’s attention during our walk?
Our walk drew to an abrupt halt with the commotion on the side of the trail. What is capturing Roscoe’s attention that has a higher value than moving on down the trail? For this week’s “caption this,” give us his best thought balloon.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
So what was he actually looking at?
Oh yeah. That’s a “just let me off this leash!” pose. He’s ready to FLY
“Wow! a Protein Party and No leashes or other cover charges! I see squirrels and bunnies galore!”
Roscoe is saying “Look Hu-Dad I think I see another human walking a Thundering Herd like us, I wanna go over”.
Roscoe is saying–“WAIT Hu-Dad-I just KNOW I see a tree rat(squirrel)-I have to TRY and get it”!!!