Sunrise Squirrel Distraction

First thing in the morning, we head to the yard for one important thing, but Landon forgot and he blames a sunrise squirrel distraction.

Headed to the yard and...oh, squirrel
Headed to the yard and…oh, squirrel

Landon is well-known for being easily distracted. He knows he is to do something important and then, well, he just forgets. In this case, all Boom Boom needed to do was go out to the yard and get important business done before coming back inside. But, well, squirrel.

Nothing could be more important than watching that squirrel.
Nothing could be more important than watching that squirrel.

By this point, everyone else has gone outside, completed their jobs, and returned inside. But Landon hasn’t made it more than a few steps in the yard. And he shows no sign of remembering why he is there. All he can say is… squirrel.

The effects of Sunrise Squirrel Distraction
The effects of Sunrise Squirrel Distraction


  1. tammy j on November 18, 2020 at 10:38 am

    well Hu Dad … one can never be too careful. I mean there are Squirrel Intruders.
    someone has to keep everyone SAFE. Boom Boom is the chosen one apparently.
    the picture of his surveillance are gorgeous! xo

  2. Amarok & Co on November 18, 2020 at 9:03 am

    Those are gorgeous photos of Landon with the sunlight dappled on him; even though he is distracted . . . or maybe meditatiing???

  3. Sharon on November 18, 2020 at 8:13 am

    Capturing Landon with the sunrise makes for a spectacular photo.

  4. Jean Burkhardt on November 18, 2020 at 7:07 am

    Uh Oh Landon-I GUESS a squirrel is REALLY that distracting?? I hope you eventually did the business you were supposed to do-lol

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