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Frankie Suave is absorbed in his favorite hobby watching avian friends, but he especially loves big bird watching.
With our backyard merging into the salt marsh, we have a huge assortment of marsh birds that hang out—eagles, ospreys, hawks, herons, vultures, anhingas, and on and on and on.
And, yes, a lot of them are quite large. The big birds are a lot of fun to watch, even if some of them might be a wee bit intimdating.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
God, he has always been such a handsome boy ever since he was first at the rescue. Some days I kick myself for not adopting him myself, but seeing how happy and well cared for he and Typhoon have been is great 😀
We said our “good-byes” to the Baltimore Orioles a couple of weeks ago, and the last of the Hummingbirds this week…
looking forward to their return
Spring 2021 ???
Enjoy the nice day.. Ruby is going camping to the Green Mountains and taking “Jaxon” along for mom to relax with. Been saving it for now.
Where we live doesn’t have the assortment of birds that Frankie Suave sees but we do get an occasional eagle and the hawks. Our boy Bradley likes to bark at them!! Good job bird watching Frandkie!